Arkady Murashev
Our team
Senior partner
Natalya Pisannaya
Senior analyst
Anvar Amirov
He graduated from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and worked for the Institute of High Temperatures of the Academy of Sciences (1982-1995). Anvar joined EPPA in 2000.
Senior consultant
Inessa Ovsyannikova
She graduated from the College of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Faculty of Law of Tver State University. In 1993-1995 Inessa worked in the Department for economic cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the Executive Office of State Duma. In 2000-2003, she was the assistant to State Duma Deputy Boris Nadezhdin. Inessa joined EPPA in 1995.
Head of legal practice
Olga Khmeleva
Graduated with honors from HSE University, Faculty of Law (financial law). She has worked in the field of corporate development and management, interaction with government authorities: since 2003 — in the management company of the airport holding, since 2010 — in the aircraft manufacturing holding
Account manager
Ekaterina Stolbova
Graduated from HSE University, Faculty of Law (bachelor`s degree in Political Science, MA in demography).
General counsel
Sergey Chebrikov
In 2015, graduated from the Russian State University of Justice (bachelor of law, dept of International Law). In 2018, graduated from the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (master of law, dept of civil law and process and international private law).
She graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and then worked in the Executive Office of the Government of the Russian Federation, Executive Office of the State Duma. Natalya joined EPPA in 1995.
He graduated from Bauman Moscow Higher Technical School (or presently the Bauman Moscow State Technical University) in 1980 and then: worked for the Institute of High Temperatures of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR; was the Deputy of Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR (1989 – 1991); was then Head of Moscow Police Department (1991-1992); and then was the President of the Center for Liberal-Conservative Politics, the State Duma Deputy (1993-1995). Arkady joined EPPA in 1995.
Our team
Project manager
Marina Trushina
Graduated from the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) with a bachelor's degree in Journalism. Joined the EPPA team following internships and work in Russian media (Snob, Forbes) in 2023.
© 2022 ЭППА
+7 (495) 725-85-83